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1 John 1:9 — If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

If you are a new believer this verse has recently become a reality in your life! God has forgiven you, and he has cleansed you of all unrighteousness, meaning he brought you into right standing with him.

But keep this verse close to you, because you will need it! As heartfelt as your intentions are to follow Christ and obey him, there will be times when you blow it.

So what happens when a Christian sins? And what should you do when it happens?

First of all, don’t allow your stumble to make you doubt that you are a Christian. Nothing can undo the fact that you have been adopted by God into his family.

Still, it’s important not to ignore sin and forget about it, because sin that is not dealt will cause serious problems. The quality of your relationship with God will be affected by the guilt and heaviness you feel. People with unresolved sin tend to drift away from reading the Bible, from fellowship with God, and from fellowship with other believers. Sin left undealt with can grow into a stronghold that dominates your life.

So the moment you feel the Holy Spirit nudge your conscience that something you did was wrong, turn to the verse above, 1 John 1:9. Take full responsibility for what you’ve done, confess it in prayer to God, express you sorrow for what you’ve done, and declare your heartfelt intention to do better in the future.

Then accept his forgiveness by faith! The verse says “he is faithful”—which means he’ll forgive you every time; and “he is just”—which means he has the right to forgive you because of the price Jesus paid. Then begin again, thanking God for a brand new start every time you falter!

Today’s focus—If I stumble today I will get up immediately. And I won’t run from God, I’ll run to him, because he is my Father, and he will forgive me and give me a new start.

Prayer—Lord, thank you for your mercy that your Word says reaches from everlasting to everlasting, and that is renewed every morning for me. Today I will walk in purity of heart and life, obeying you as best I can. But thank you for the assurance that when I fail you are there to forgive me and give me a fresh start. In Jesus’ name, Amen.