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The best decision you’ve ever made needs a firm foundation.

Foundations is for those who are looking to grow in their faith. Whether you just made a first-time decision to follow Jesus or recently reconnected with God, Foundations is for you! Over this eight-week course, you will learn helpful practices to make your faith come alive and build a strong foundation for growth.


Class Schedule


In session one, you will learn about the three baptisms of a believer:  salvation, water, and the Holy Spirit.


The Word of God

Session two is all about practical ways to help you read and understand the Bible. God’s word is alive and applicable to your everyday life.



Session three will teach you the importance and ease of developing a prayer life. Prayer is about daily relating to God.



What does it mean to believe in God? We aren’t just saved from something; we are saved for something. Session four will give you the tools to develop faith beyond salvation.


Overcoming Temptation

Beating the temptation is often the most challenging part of the battle. God has given us victory and will always provide a way out. Learn how to be victorious over temptation in session five.



In session six, discover a lifestyle of generosity. The way of the generous blesses not only those around you, but you will find it unlocks the door of blessing in your life.


Hearing God’s Voice

Did you know God is speaking and guiding us in our faith journey? In session seven, learn ways to discern God’s voice as He directs your path.


The Second Coming & Eternity

Jesus is returning for his church. One day we will all stand before God as we prepare to spend eternity with him. Session eight prepares us for what is to come.