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“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” – John 10:27

Have you ever tried to have a conversation in a noisy room? It’s challenging to hear clearly when there’s too much competing noise. The same principle applies to hearing God’s voice. Many of us struggle not because God isn’t speaking, but because we’re surrounded by too many competing voices. The good news is that God wants to speak to each of us personally, and He’s provided us with a clear foundation – His Word. Just like any meaningful relationship, our connection with God grows stronger through regular, intentional time together. When we prioritize reading Scripture, we begin to recognize His voice more clearly. It’s not about complex spiritual techniques; it’s about simple, consistent dedication to knowing God through His Word.

What competing voices in your life might be making it difficult to hear God clearly?

God’s Word is the foundation of our relationship. And so how we get to learn to hear God’s voice is by reading His Word.

Heavenly Father, help me to quiet the noise around me so I can hear Your voice more clearly. Give me the discipline to spend time in Your Word daily, and the wisdom to recognize Your voice above all others. Amen.

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