The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. – John 10:10
When we believe we’re hearing from God, it’s crucial to have a reliable way to verify His voice. Think of it like a three-strand cord: the Word of God, the inner witness of the Holy Spirit, and the alignment of circumstances. The strongest confirmation comes when all three align. However, circumstances alone can be misleading – they’re like a single strand that can easily break. That’s why we must always start with God’s Word as our foundation. When what we think we’re hearing lines up with Scripture and is confirmed by the Holy Spirit’s inner witness, we can move forward with confidence, even if the circumstances seem challenging.
How do you currently test whether what you’re hearing is truly from God? What steps could you add to make this process more reliable?
When you have an inner witness of the Holy Spirit and it lines up with the word of God and the circumstances begin to line up with it, you can pretty well know that you can move forward.
Lord, give me wisdom to properly test and discern Your voice. Help me to stay grounded in Your Word and sensitive to Your Spirit’s leading. Guard me from being led astray by circumstances alone. Amen.