God & Money
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
It’s no secret that money is the number one stressor in our lives. But what if it didn’t have to be that way? The financial pressure we feel has less to do with how much we make and more to do with what we do with it. One thing about money is everyone wishes they had just a little more. But without a financial plan, more money will not solve our problems. That’s why Jesus talked about money more than any other topic. This is where biblical financial stewardship comes in, offering a solution to this common stressor.
Biblical Financial stewardship involves taking inventory, prioritizing spending, and proper investment. When we embrace the Give, Save, Live method, we will not only unlock the margin in our finances, but also experience the peace and security that come with it.
One of the best ways that you can be a good steward of what God has entrusted to you is to create a personal budget and stick with it! Here is a spreadsheet that our team has created for you to download and utilize.
There are plenty of great Biblically-sound books out there that can help you with your finances. Here are a few of our favorites.
Learn more about stewardship through teaching in God’s Word
There are three types of financial contributors to Fall Line Church. Our church believes that generosity is our privilege, and we encourage you to be a part of what God is building in Macon.
Kingdom Investors
Kingdom Investors commit to a monthly contribution to Fall Line Church. This is a great first step for people to begin giving financially to Fall Line and to start taking steps towards tithing.
Kingdom Partners
Kingdom Partners commit to tithing – giving the first ten percent of one’s income to the church. Tithing is a principle seen throughout the Bible, and it is referenced weekly during our Sunday services.
Kingdom Builders
A Kingdom Builder makes a decision to go above and beyond the ten percent tithe in their financial giving to begin building out the vision of Fall Line Church.

Give Online.
Contributions via credit or debit can be accessed by logging into your Church Center account.
If you don’t have a Church Center account yet, it is fast and easy to set up a new account. After you log in the first time you can access giving history and statements from within your profile. Click below to get started.