“Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God” – John 8:47
Clear communication with God isn’t just about learning to hear His voice – it’s about living a life that’s ready to receive His messages. Just as static can interfere with a radio signal, sin and disobedience can create interference in our spiritual reception. The good news is that God has provided a way to maintain clear communication through obedience and quick repentance. When we promptly address areas of disobedience in our lives and maintain a clean heart before God, we position ourselves to hear Him more clearly. This isn’t about perfection, but about maintaining an open and honest relationship with our heavenly Father.
What specific areas of obedience is God currently highlighting in your life that might be affecting your ability to hear Him clearly?
Keep your vessel, your wife, your life clean through a life of obedience and quick repentance.
Father, help me to live a life of quick obedience and repentance. Show me any areas where I need to make changes, and give me the strength to follow through. Thank you for Your patience and grace as I grow. Amen.